ADAM (they/them)
Adam is passionate about everything that appeals to the expansion of human beings and their communities. Through their identity journey, they quickly felt challenged to give back to the members of their community, but also to people wishing to become more conscious allies. This is why Adam uses their media platform as well as their conference appearances to raise awareness around diverse realities across gender identity and the broader spectrum of sexuality. What is important for Adam is to be able to feel their connexion to the message they send to their audience. They try to maximize this objective by adopting a multidisciplinary approach where art (modeling), science (their baccalaureate in sexology), and a holistic approach (energy therapy) are used depending on the context.
What detail of your practice do you always try to highlight?
The detail that sets me apart is my desire to put forward the constant transcending of personal development. I try to make it accessible to all by demonstrating that we can dream of greater things by including ourselves in them. Through my personal and professional introspections that I demonstrate verbally and non-verbally, I wish to highlight each heart that hides behind everyone, starting with mine in my practice.

Photos by and/or for Raf, Rose Buddah, Jules Bedard