KAYLAH (she/her)


Raised by her stage director and choreographer mother, Kaylah has been immersed in arts since childhood. A disciple of the living arts, she is passionate about theatre, circus, dance and song. When she is not singing, she writes, dreams, and works in theatres or music festivals. Because she has lived with depression for many years, Kaylah openly discusses mental health issues, an important subject to her, on her social media platforms. By taking a stance on neurodivergence, she wishes to educate those around her to this often invisible reality.

Which Detail is most important to you in your practice?

To not fit in the norms. I am petite and curvy. Never in my life would I have thought it possible to be a part of a modeling agency. The fact that I don’t fit in traditional beauty standards is the most important detail of my modeling practice. For me, beauty isn’t limited to the white, tall and slim woman. Someone’s beauty is what stands out for me: what is different, what is unique.