JULIETTE PL (she/her)


Juliette is 24 years old. She was born and raised in Montreal, a city that lives in her heart. She currently studies physics at university. What defines her the most is her love for art: for Juliette, art is everywhere, and everyone is constantly absorbing and creating art whether they’re aware of it or not. Juliette has synesthesia: when she hears a sound, she sees shapes and colours, and she feels emotions during sensory experiences. Juliette is a passionate person and she becomes invested in any project she embarks on, whether painting, music, acting, or modeling. She needs to constantly absorb and create art or she quickly feels stagnant in her emotions. She feels at peace when creating.

How did you get into your art? And what keeps you into it? What are your motivations and goals?

I grew up in a musical environment: both parents are musicians by profession and most of my relatives are, as well, so music has always been a central part of my life. I started playing the piano at a young age and eventually dabbled into acoustic and electric guitar. I started exploring different sounds and creating my own music, which has been very exciting! My goal is to never stop learning and to keep creating!