CHLOÉ B (she/they)

Born and raised in São Paulo (Brazil), Chloé left her life behind to move to Montréal at 14. She has since completed a Masters in Political Science and, simultaneously, picked up several practices as a self-taught multidisciplinary artist. A true libra, Chloé navigates this dual life unapologetically. She’s passionate about textiles, colors, and gender studies, among many. Chloé is elated to contribute to better representation in the fashion industry, and hopes to be the midsize-queer-immigrant role model that she didn’t see in magazines growing up.

What is the most important detail in your practice? 

Adaptability, always! I have many practices and different interests so it’s really important that I’m always open minded to my own ideas, and kind towards myself when creating. It’s all about going with the flow for me, allowing yourself to do everything that brings you joy, all at once. I love switching between personas and seeing what beauty can come from each different part of me. I strongly believe complex creatures like us should not be limited to boxes, categories and patterns.

Photos by and/or for Citizen Vintage, BeautiesLab, Nastia, DrinkWell