VERO (she-her)


Veronica has been working since she was 17. And it shows. One of We Speak's most requested models, Veronica Campos has earned a reputation that sings with praises from clients who admire her professionalism, skills, and charm. With a marketing background and a passion for the industry, she views beauty as an infinite canvas present in every individual. She uses her platform of over 29K followers on IG to advocate for systematic equality, pushing for diversity and advocating for larger bodies that demand functional and fashionable clothing. Fashion, to her, is the artist's brush that highlights this inherent allure. 

When she's not creating pictures and content, she makes art, strolls the streets of NY with her two dogs, and takes care of her community of friends and family. You're equally likely to encounter her swinging a softball bat as you are to run into her at a museum, a restaurant, or a thrift shop. And rest assured, if you cross paths with Veronica, you can expect a warm greeting and a friendly embrace – that's just the kind of person she is: a captivating blend of ambition, warmth and authenticity.

Photos by and/or for Raf