ELISE A (she/her)


Elise is a Creole woman, originally from Mauritius, who has been living in Montreal for 10 years. While completing a master's degree in literary studies, she became interested in forgetting in the traditional forms she’d studied; her work now aims to bring back from oblivion those whose voices have radiated less loudly. Co-founder of the publishing house Diverses Syllabes, Elise takes the issues of inclusion, social justice, and intersectional feminism to heart. The world of modeling has, according to her, made several voices and bodies invisible throughout history. Elise wishes, through her artistic practice, to contribute to diversifying this environment by bringing her personal touch.

What is the most important detail in your practice?

Authenticity is the detail that is at the heart of my practice. I refuse to make myself small in order to please, I allow myself to be unapologetically myself, and not a version of myself that the other would like me to be.

Photos by and/or for Boutique Lustre, Altitude Sports, BeautiesLab, Little Burgundy, Mia Horth, Veronique Roy,